New Player's Guide

Gettings Started:
Upon first entering the module you will be in the Village of Land's Edge council building. Talk to Councilman Thomas who will fill you on the basic situation and give you the starting quest. There is a chest nearby with some basic starting equipment. Take what you need and exit the building.

The starting quest is an achievement quest (see server information for more info) which will result in good experience, gold and an enhancement rune (see server information for more info). This quest will just have you visit the various buildings in the town as well as the three newbie areas. Return to him when you complete the quest. There are more achievement quests you can take from the Councilman but the next lowest recomended level is 5.

Starting Areas :

There are 3 newbie areas. Each with a different humanoid mobs and each with 3 levels. (the third levels being instances). The first levels are geared for levels 1-3, second level for 3-5 and the final (instance) levels for 5-8. You are free to do one or all.

Shopkeepers and Collection quests:

Each of the shopkeepers have generic repeatable quests that you can take. Each focuses on one of the newbie areas and the rewards reflect that.

Weapon and Armor Smiths: (located in the Land's Edge Blacksmith Shop) will send you to the abandoned mines to collect ore chunks from the goblins that have inhabited the mines. The rewards are metal ingots (iron for level 1, Silver or Cold Iron for level 2 and Darksteel or Mithral for level 3) and some gold/xp.

Leatherworker and Bowsmith: (located in the Land's Edge Bowyer Shop) will send you to the Forest of Arugavar to collect shaped sticks from the orcs that have inhabited the forest (and underforest) . The rewards are wood planks (wood for level 1, Shederran or Duskwood for level 2 and Zalantar for level 3) and some gold/xp.

Mage and Cleric: (located in the Land's Edge Magician's Shop and Land's Edge Chapel) will send you to the Waterfal Cave to harvest parts that can be turned into essences from the kobolds that have inhabited the cave . The rewards are essemces (faint for levels 1 and 2 and weak for level 3) and some gold/xp

Quest Factor:

If you don't feel like zoning into and out of the shops for the quests you can go to Factor Jacob in the crafting pavillion (along side the Blacksmith shop). He will give you both quests for any area/level you want but will take a cut of the gold/xp if you don't convince him otherwise.


If you don't need the raw materials from the quests, The Quartermaster will trade some gold/xp in exchange for these materials. The Quartermaster will also trade some gold/xp for the dented, tarnished and cracked equipment the low level mobs often drop.

Hireable Crafters:

Full crafting is available in the game but if you didn't take the skills, don't worry, there are 3 skilled craftsmen/women available for hire in the crafting pavillion. The better they are the more expensive the cost to retain.


When you feel you're ready (recomended ~level 5) you can head back to the councilman and take the "Liberate the Lower Outpost" achievment quest and head out the front gates to see what lies beyond. He also has several "Slay" quests that sends you to the deepest part of each newbie dungeon instance to kill the chiefs of the clan. (and when you liberate the lower outpost he will offer the "Liberate the Middle Outpost" quest)

1 comment:

MokahTGS said...

This is an excellent guide and shows that you care about starting players in your world.

One of my biggest pet peeves of PWs is that they do nothing to help players get aclimated to the world around them.

Newbies need something to do!